About Blue Cheese Strain
Blue Cheese strain requires a high threshold for dank, earthy flavors – it’s named after the most pungent cheese, after all, though it doesn’t taste as much like its namesake as you might expect. Instead, it has more of a dank, berry flavor. Using it, this 80/20 Indica-heavy hybrid can encourage incredible relaxation. Big Buddha Seeds created the strain from a Cheese strain phenotype straight from the UK crossed with a hybrid male made from Blueberry and Big Buddha Cheese. The high slinks into your consciousness slowly but once it hits, it has a lot of great uses. Keep reading to find out what Blue Cheese is good for (other than salads).
The Blue Cheese strain takes a little over 60 days to flower on average. Long before then, it’ll start to smell of berry and cheese, like a garden of appetizer platters. Prepare for a late September harvest and a good yield. Growers of most experience levels will be able to get 500-600g of usable bud per square meter of garden. The buds grow densely and the trichomes come in thick and sticky.
Blue Cheese is incredibly dank, a mix of savory cheese and sweet fruit, like blueberries and strawberries mixed with herbs and earth. The result is stinky and emotional – even people who don’t like to eat blue cheese can enjoy its namesake strain. The aromatics are powerful.
For people who suffer from anxiety, pain, migraines, and depression, Blue Cheese is a great addition to your mental diet. Traumatic stress and attention disorders like ADHD can also be treated with Blue Cheese. Bipolar disorder or manic depression, which affects sleep so intensely that some doctors consider it a sleeping disorder, can also be addressed with a dose of Blue Cheese.
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